Tag: pregnancy

Postpartum depression: What to do when the baby blues don’t go away

Becoming a mother is an exciting transition that changes you in unexpected ways and gives you a new perspective on life. It’s a time of joy, but many new moms experience intense mood swings after giving birth. One minute you feel happy, only to break down crying the next. The baby blues are a normal part of early motherhood and usually go away within a few weeks of your delivery. But if your symptoms persist and begin to affect your quality of life, you may have postpartum depression.

Healthy pregnancy: Why prenatal care is so important

Whether you’re a first-time mom or already have kids, the health care you receive when you’re pregnant is an important part of a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby. Regular prenatal visits throughout your pregnancy can help catch potential issues early and reduce the risk of complications. These checkups also give you a chance to learn how to manage any discomfort you’re experiencing and ask questions about your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.