Tag: healthy eating

Creative ways to add more fruits and veggies to your diet

The best way to get all of the nutrients you need each day is to brighten your plate with fruits and vegetables. Eating a rainbow of colorful foods adds flavor and texture to your meals, along with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Most are naturally low in calories and contain essential nutrients that can help prevent heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. If fruits and veggies aren’t your thing, you can still sneak them into your meals.

Beat anxiety: What to eat to reduce anxiety and stress

Anxiety is a normal part of life. From time to time, we all feel nervous or worry about certain situations, but anxiety can be a problem if it interferes with daily activities or makes it hard for you to enjoy life. Anxiety disorders are quite common. In fact, in the United States, at least 40 million adults struggle with anxiety. While the condition is often treated with therapy and medications, watching what you eat can help reduce anxiety and stress and improve your mood.

Lose belly fat: 10 tips for a flatter stomach

When somebody tells you there’s a fast, easy way to get rid of stubborn belly fat, they’re probably trying to sell you something. It’s tempting to believe in fat-burning miracle foods and secret exercises that will flatten your stomach in a matter of days. But there’s no magic formula for trimming your midsection. You can lose belly fat—and keep it off for good—by staying committed to your goals and following a few commonsense tips.

Healthy snacks you can eat without gaining weight

Snacking gets a bad rap, but it can actually help you maintain a healthy weight—and even lose weight—as long as you pay attention to the types of foods you snack on and make smart choices. Eating smaller meals and snacks about every three hours or so can help maintain more stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. And, it can help you avoid extreme hunger so you don’t overeat at lunch or dinner.

10 foods that lower blood pressure

High blood pressure affects millions of Americans, but many of us don’t even know we have it. That’s because high blood pressure—also known as hypertension—often has no symptoms. The condition makes your heart work harder than it should and can cause serious problems, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.