Tag: exercise

Exercises to reduce lower back pain

If you suffer from low back pain, you’re not alone. Up to 80 percent of U.S. adults experience low back pain at some point in life, and the condition becomes more common as you age. Fortunately, a variety of strengthening and stretching exercises can relieve lower back pain, improve your mobility, and enhance your quality of life.

12 ways to exercise without going to the gym

Physical activity is good for your body and mind, but it’s hard to find time to exercise when you’re busy. And not everyone likes to go to the gym. As a result, less than a quarter of U.S. adults get the exercise they need. If you’re trying to be more active, it’s time to change the way you think about what qualifies as exercise. Here are some tips to help you get fit without setting foot on a treadmill or picking up a dumbbell.

How much exercise do you need to stay healthy?

Regular physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle. However, only about one in five adults in the U.S. gets enough exercise to be healthy. Being inactive and sitting too much raises your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The good news is that even small amounts of physical activity can help improve your health. Whether you’re looking to reduce your risks of chronic medical conditions or improve your quality of life, making regular physical activity part of your lifestyle can help you achieve your health goals.

9 health benefits of strength training

Strength training is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. As we age, lean muscle mass diminishes, while body fat rises. Strength training can help you build muscle, reduce body fat, and burn calories more efficiently. An exercise routine that combines cardiovascular activities, such as walking or swimming, with strength training can enhance both your physical and mental well-being.

7 healthy New Year’s resolutions you can actually keep

The beginning of a new year is a great time to make healthy lifestyle changes, give up bad habits, and improve your well-being. It’s no wonder that many Americans celebrate the New Year by resolving to get healthier. The most popular New Year’s resolutions include getting more exercise, losing weight, and eating a healthier diet. While only a small percentage of people actually keep their resolutions, here are some steps you can take to get healthier in the year ahead and achieve your health goals.

10 tips to help you lose weight

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s natural to want to shed pounds quickly. While fad diets and rapid weight loss plans can help you lose weight fast, you’re unlikely to keep it off for the long haul. Losing weight gradually is the healthiest and most effective way to get to and maintain a healthy weight. Making permanent lifestyle changes will help ensure you don’t gain back the weight you’ve lost.

The mental health benefits of exercise: How physical activity can ease the symptoms of depression and anxiety

Exercise is good for your body. It can help you maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. But exercise is also good for your mental health. It can reduce tension and stress, improve your concentration, and stabilize your mood. People who exercise feel more energetic throughout the day and sleep better at night. But did you know that regular physical activity can also help you manage depression and anxiety?

Exercising at home: Easy exercises for couch potatoes

Many of us spend a lot of time each day sitting in front of a screen. Sitting for long periods of time can take a toll on your health, especially if you sit for more than eight hours a day with little or no physical activity. Fortunately, moderate exercise can counter the negative health effects of too much sitting. That’s why it’s important for people of all ages and abilities to be as active as possible—no gym membership required.

Lose belly fat: 10 tips for a flatter stomach

When somebody tells you there’s a fast, easy way to get rid of stubborn belly fat, they’re probably trying to sell you something. It’s tempting to believe in fat-burning miracle foods and secret exercises that will flatten your stomach in a matter of days. But there’s no magic formula for trimming your midsection. You can lose belly fat—and keep it off for good—by staying committed to your goals and following a few commonsense tips.

Exercising with arthritis: Managing osteoarthritis pain with physical activity

Arthritis is a disease that can affect any joint in the body, especially your knees, hips, lower back, neck, fingers, and toes. While there are more than 100 different types of arthritis, about 27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis (OA)—or “wear and tear” arthritis—the most common form of the condition. Arthritis can’t be reversed, but physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can slow its progression, reduce pain, and help improve joint function.

Fitting in fitness: Sneaky ways to make time for exercise

The health benefits of exercise are endless. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. It can help prevent cancer and decrease your risk of everything from heart disease and stroke to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even dementia. And that’s just the beginning.

Is walking good exercise?

Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise. You can do it almost anywhere—including parks, shopping malls, or in your own neighborhood—and you don’t need to invest in a lot of special equipment. Best of all, walking can help you achieve your fitness and weight-loss goals.

How to start exercising when you’re overweight

Exercising regularly can be an effective way to lose weight and keep your weight under control. But starting a new workout routine when you’re overweight can be hard, especially if you haven’t been active for a while. Focusing on the benefits of exercise can help motivate you to get started and keep going. Of course, always talk with your doctor before you start any exercise program.