Add an adult child under 26 to your health plan

Children are eligible for health coverage under a parent’s Self & Family enrollment.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), children are eligible for health coverage under their parents’ Self and Family enrollment up to age 26. The law also states that:

Children Effect of ACA
Between ages 22 and 26 Eligible for coverage under their parents’ Self and Family enrollment.
Married children Married children (but NOT their spouse or their own children) are eligible for coverage up to age 26. This is true even if the child is currently under age 22.
Children with or eligible for employer-provided health insurance Children who are eligible for or have their own employer-provided health insurance are eligible up to age 26.
Stepchildren Stepchildren do not need to live with the enrollee in a parent-child relationship to be eligible up to age 26.
Children incapable of self-support Children who are incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical disability that began before age 26 are eligible to continue coverage.
Foster children The foster child must be placed with the enrollee by an authorized placement agency or by judgment, decree or order of any court of competent jurisdiction.

How to add a child under 26 to your plan

Self Only

Members must switch to a Self and Family plan during Open Season and include the child in the enrollment.

Self and Family

Members must notify us that you wish to add a dependent and provide us with the necessary information. The High Option Plan and the Consumer Driven Option Plan may handle this differently.

Add a dependent to your plan

Complete this application to add an adult child under age 26 to your plan.

Designation of personal representative

Complete this form to request how APWU Health Plan communicates with you.

APWU Health Plan Holiday Office Hours

The Health Plan will be closed on Wednesday, January 1. We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. ET on Thursday, January 2.

Manage your High Option or Consumer Driven Option health plan 24/7 with your postal member portal or federal member portal.